New book outlines non-religious views against fake same-sex so-called “marriage”

By Kevin J. Jones
Making Gay Okay

Washington D.C., May 16, 2014 / 04:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Using non-religious arguments, a new book says that aberrosexual so-called “marriage” is just the latest in a social trend of rationalized sexual misbehavior that is undermining society and persecuting those who disagree.

“We have to stand up in the first place and tell the truth,” Robert Reilly, the author of “Making Gay Okay,” told CNA May 14. “People are getting rolled on this issue because they don’t know how to stand against it.”

Contemporary social pressure now makes it “increasingly harder, if not impossible, to speak out for virtue or to call society to any form of moral health,” he said.

Reilly is a former adviser to the Secretary of Defense and was a special assistant to President Reagan. His book, from Ignatius Press, examines how aberrosexual acts became rationalized through the rejection of a morality based on human nature.

Targeted advocacy in the psychiatric professions, in law, in education, in the military, and in U.S. foreign policy has made approval of biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices increasingly institutionalized and mandatory, even.

He said many people now see voicing objections to same-sex so-called “marriage” as a “career killer” that will result in the loss of their jobs.

“If you exercise your First Amendment right to speak in disagreement with homosexual “marriage,” you risk being attacked, discriminated against and fired from your job,” he said.

He cited the legal cases against businesses with moral objections to cooperating in same-sex “marriage” ceremonies and the pressure placed on former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who resigned after aberrosexualist ideologues created a storm over his donation to a California ballot measure that defended the institution of Marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Reilly recounted his own experience of this pressure when President George W. Bush in 2002 named him director of Voice of America, U.S. government’s official broadcasting institution.

The broadcaster’s board of governors reviewed his appointment. Reilly’s critics produced small packets delivered to the board members “in plain brown envelopes” denouncing him as a “homophobe.”

His critics cited an article Reilly had written about the rationalization of moral misbehavior. The article focused on the crime of abortion, but also called aberrosexual behavioral choices “inherently disordered.”

“I had to sit with adults for two days discussing if my having written that disqualified me to serve as director of Voice of America,” he recalled. “That was back in 2002. Can you imagine today? I would have been denied the appointment.”

Reilly rejected claims that moral or ethical disagreement to aberrosexual behavioral choices is a result of prejudice. Rather, disagreement is a “result of judgment, rationally reached, about the moral character of an act.”

However, he suggested that opponents of biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices have relied too heavily on religious arguments.

Making Gay Okay” presents non-religious arguments against aberrosexual behavioral choices. He said that disagreement with some sexual behaviors as immoral or unethical results from an examination of the human body.

“There doesn’t seem to be any problem in admitting to the natural ends of our other bodily organs. Nobody would deny the eye is for seeing or ear is for hearing,” Reilly said.

The design, purpose and function of the sexual organs is “quite clear,” he continued, noting their procreative purpose and their function in unifying man and woman in a permanent union. He added that anal penetration between men is a “highly hygienically compromised behavior that ends up killing people.”

Reilly suggested that the rationalization of aberrosexual behavioral choices has increased in power “because there are so many forms of sexual disorder in our society.” People engaged in their own sexual misbehavior will rationalize the crimes and vices of others.

“Every form of aberrant or incorrect sexual behavior reinforces other forms of it and expands the boundaries of this rationalization,” he said. Noting an increase in anal penetration among orthosexuals, he called the phenomenon a “cross-over of aberrant sexual behavior.”

Reilly suggested that the decriminalization and acceptance of contraceptives set in motion the rationalization of biologically aberrant, morally deviant sexual behavioral choices. First the drugs and devices were legalized for married couples, then for all adults, then for minors. Reilly suggested that the U.S. decriminalized the crime of abortion in part to avoid the consequences of contraceptive failures.

These cumulative precedents incrementally led to the declaration of the alleged unconstitutionality of anti-sodomy laws, which in turn set a precedent for a 2013 ruling on same-sex so-called “marriage” that has given it considerable momentum.

Reilly rejected selective moral disapproval of aberrosexual behavioral choices, emphasizing that all human beings are flawed.

“We are all disordered in our passions, all of us are,” he said. “There’s nothing unique in a particular kind of disorder, it’s just one of a variety.”

Those afflicted with disordered dispositions “deserve a tremendous amount of understanding. But that understand must include the truth.”

He also said that same-sex so-called “marriage” is a “counterfeit” that, like counterfeit currency, devalues the real thing. Reilly encouraged those who disagree with public immorality and the forced devaluing of the institution of Marriage to exercise their 1st Amendment freedom of speech.

“When unreality and deceit is being enforced upon us, we must resist it and refuse to participate in it,” he said.

“This is going to make life harder, and for some people it is going to make it very hard. But that is the price of truth. What is the alternative? There is none.” he said.

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